"The Stain" a short play to foster positive dialog about race 3

By Citizens for Cathy Cloutier (other events)

Monday, August 10 2020 6:30 PM 8:00 PM EST

Hosted by Senator Cathy Cloutier, THE STAIN is a short play written by a local playwright to inspire positive conversation about race in our community. The play features two aspiring actors and will be followed by a short conversation with the audience. .  This event will be hosted outdoor in the large tent.  


Misunderstandings and inaccurate assumptions between people of goodwill, both white people and black people, are one of the issues causing divisiveness, conflict, and communication problems. “The Stain” is a dramatic short play designed to foster positive dialogue on race. The play features Marcus and Becky as they try to sort out their reactions to a messy mishap during a break at a Racial Harmony conference. The two characters enter an honest and at times tense conversation about their personal understanding and experience of racism. Following the performance will be a facilitated dialogue where the audience will have an opportunity to share their reflections on the play and personal experiences related to race creating a space for people to listen and learn from each other. 

Citizens for Cathy Cloutier